Aleksandra Bazinska

A lifelong student of the healing arts and personal growth, Aleksandra delights in supporting others on their journey of self-discovery, empowerment, healing and transformation. Aleksandra completed 6300 hours of study of clinical psychology in Poland, and then traveled to the United States to study with Arnold Mindell Process Oriented Psychology. For years she immersed herself in Energy work and bodywork (Chi Nei Tsang – the Taoist internal organ massage that is focused on Body-Mind-Spirit). She then completed a PhD in Holistic Health.


To balance her skills with the cognitive approach she completed coaching certification, followed by three years of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) that concluded in becoming an NLP trainer and hypnotist. Inspired by Mindells explorations of body in the therapeutic process and her passion for integrating body-mind-spirit, she became certified in Somatic Experiencing - Peter Levine's somatic trauma recovery training.


In 2012 her desire to deepen skills in working with developmental trauma led Aleksandra to enroll in the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Program and to study with Janina Fisher, Pat Ogden and other exceptional teachers. Subsequently she began studying with Kathy Kain and Stephen Terrell - an integrative somatic approach that nurtures nervous system resilience and regulation and helps clients move forward from developmental trauma.


Most recently she became certified in The Tao of Trauma, a modality the combines the wisdom of ancient Chinese Medicine and advanced skills in working with the nervous system in an embodied relational approach. She also completed Level I of Transforming the Experience-Based Brain.


Aleksandra also does 'parts work'  informed by her extensive training in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, courses with Janina Fisher and foundational classes in Internal Family Systems.


Aleksandra’s gentle and highly attuned approach creates safe and supportive space for clients to face their deepest and most difficult challenges. She is a creative and highly educated practitioner who aligns closely with her client’s needs and goals.

Certifications and Trainings

  • Clinical Psychologist, currently not licensed in the US
  • Certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner through Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute, a three-year trauma treatment program created by Peter Levine
  • Certified in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy through Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, a five-year trauma treatment program created by Pat Ogden
  • Certified Coach through Neuro-linguistic Programming and Coaching Institute (NLPCA)
  • Certified Trainer of Neuro-linguistic Programming through NLPCA in California
  • Certified in Advanced Touch Skills by Kathy Kain, a yearlong training in developing an understanding and touch skills supportive in developmental trauma and chronic health issues
  • Certified in Somatic Resilience and Regulation by Kathy Kain and Stephen Terrell, a yearlong program that helps to move forward from developmental trauma
  • Certified in The Tao of Trauma, a yearlong program with Alaine Duncan that combines the wisdom of the Taoist Five Elements with advanced skills of regulating the nervous system within a safe relational field
  • Certified at Level I of Transforming the Experience-Based Brain


  • Peter Levine
  • Pat Ogden
  • Janina Fisher
  • Kekuni Minton
  • Raja Selvam
  • Kathy Kain
  • Alaine Duncan
  • Stephen Terrell
  • Steven Hoskinson
  • Robert Dilts
  • Steve and Connirae Andreas
  • Tim and Kris Halbom
  • Arnold Mindell
  • Lane Arye
  • Thomas O'Kane
  • Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
  • Mantak Chia
  • Gilles Marin
  • Sylvia Haskvitz
  • Deborah Mayaan

What My Clients Say

"I cannot say enough about the impact of Aleksandra's skillful work in my life. When I started working with her my nervous system was activated nearly all the time, I was facing some very major life changes, and knew that I also needed to make several others at that same time. I had a lot of fear and anxiety, and in a lot of ways my life and family was in danger because I was unable to manage it. I began to see Aleksandra weekly, desperate for support. I appreciated the way we eased into the work, and that she was always mindful of building slowly, intentionally, step by step. We began to work on many conscious strategies for a variety of issues, including managing high-stress scenarios in my life, processing family trauma, and articulating new relationships to the people in my life based in joy and capacity, rather than fear and deficit. Because of  Aleksandra's steady support, I also was able to address my substance abuse for the first time in my life, and found that a calmer nervous system made living in recovery not just possible but enjoyable. Because of our regular work my life was significantly different, and I became fully able to adapt and manage my own coping skills to support my well-being. I would highly recommend her work for anybody who is struggling to cope with anxiety, fear, trauma, worry, dissociation or substance abuse. 10/10 would recommend Aleksandra for an amazing person to help you live the life you want and deserve."

- Benjamin T.

What My Clients Say

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What My Clients Say

"I just realized that I got my taxes started early! For the previous 4 years, I avoided them so long we had to file extensions every year. I realized just now that I didn't really have any issue with it and just did it when I meant to.
I also got an oil change when I meant to and have been brushing my teeth without so much avoidance.
All of these things used to cause me daily overwhelm and avoidance and I have had the capacity to proceed with them as I intended. I appreciate our work together all the time and wanted to share how I'm benefiting from working with Aleksandra right now." - Sandra W.

What My Clients Say

"I cannot say enough about the impact of Aleksandra's skillful work in my life. When I started working with her my nervous system was activated nearly all the time, I was facing some very major life changes, and knew that I also needed to make several others at that same time. I had a lot of fear and anxiety, and in a lot of ways my life and family was in danger because I was unable to manage it. I began to see Aleksandra weekly, desperate for support. I appreciated the way we eased into the work, and that she was always mindful of building slowly, intentionally, step by step. We began to work on many conscious strategies for a variety of issues, including managing high-stress scenarios in my life, processing family trauma, and articulating new relationships to the people in my life based in joy and capacity, rather than fear and deficit. Because of  Aleksandra's steady support, I also was able to address my substance abuse for the first time in my life, and found that a calmer nervous system made living in recovery not just possible but enjoyable. Because of our regular work my life was significantly different, and I became fully able to adapt and manage my own coping skills to support my well-being. I would highly recommend her work for anybody who is struggling to cope with anxiety, fear, trauma, worry, dissociation or substance abuse. 10/10 would recommend Aleksandra for an amazing person to help you live the life you want and deserve."

- Benjamin T.

What My Clients Say

"I very much enjoyed our work together-working with you felt attuned to my needs, warm and compassionate, and the right amount of space for me to feel into my experience." - George V.

What My Clients Say

"Aleksandra, I’ve been wanting to tell you how much you mean to me and how much you’ve helped me. I always say our work together has helped me more than anything in my life. Not only your plethoric knowledge, skillset, grace, eloquence, empathy and compassion, but also the example you set as a practitioner. I’ve imitated your methods many a time as a practitioner myself! " - Evelyn A.

What My Clients Say

"I give the highest of recommendations for Aleksandra and her virtual Somatic Experiencing work. Aleksandra is kind, compassionate, incredibly knowledgeable, and a master of her craft. My experiences with her are profound. During the touch part of the sessions I can feel the warmth of Aleksandra's hands on me and fall into a deep relaxed state that significantly decreases my anxiety and increases my ability to deal with serious life stressors.
I feel 100 percent safe in her presence, which is not something that happens often for me. " - Maggie P.

"By the end of the tenth session, I could hardly believe the transformation that took place over time. Only by looking back to session one can I truly appreciate how far I’ve come. The changes were incremental, and minuscule at times, but that’s how lasting change eventuates."

Laura Thomas

"Eleven months ago, at the age of 22, I had a spinal repair of my L5-S1 vertebrae. This was the last resort to continuing back issues from the age of 10.  I am currently pain free and have not felt this good in a very long time.  If bodywork is desired, then Alex is the person to see."

Michael Locasto

"As a licensed therapeutic bodyworker myself, I choose Alex as my bodywork therapist.  It is the focus, self-authenticity, and centered presence that Alex brings to his work that truly makes him a gifted healer."

Courtney Cowie, LMBT

"He works with both confidence and curiosity, and has a special ability to hold space for his clients free from judgement and expectation. As a result of this work I now inhabit my body in new ways."

Annemarie Kalson

"For the last 15+ years I’ve learned to function outside of my body as a method to suppress emotions and also as a protective means in an effort to deal with chronic pain. Not only has Ellen helped me find the ability to listen to my body, but she helped me find my voice and confidence, both of which I was previously greatly lacking. Ellen was a voice of strength when celebrating my success, and she also provided unwavering support when some of the work brought up “old stuff” that felt scary for a short time. To infer that the work we’ve done together has been transformational would truly be an understatement. Not only has my physical pain reduced, my relationships with my family and partner have flourished due to my ability to regulate myself and effectively communicate needs and hold appropriate boundaries. I am so grateful to Ellen for all she has done, and I look forward to continuing our work together as we continue to work on releasing the chronic stress and tension in my body, helping to calm my nervous system, and ultimately move toward an even more comfortable state of embodiment."

"Working with Ellen one-on-one was an incredible deep dive into self-knowledge through experiencing my body. Where Ellen shines is her talent for creating a space for exploration that is gentle, honest, safe, and empowering all at once. Ellen’s knowledge and expertise are clear, but her approach is one of partnership. And it works! I clearly see the physical and emotional results."

"I've always been someone who'd rather be in the library than at the gym. So when I seriously herniated a disc in my lower back, I was completely unprepared for the recovery process. The injury was very bad, and I had to have surgery for pain relief. The surgery was successful, but for many years my core and leg muscles remained incredibly weak and intractable, and I was living with chronic nerve pain in my legs.

Then, after multiple unsuccessful rounds of physical therapy, I met Ellen, and working with her changed my life. She met me where I was with my body and mind-body connection, which felt like rock bottom. She taught me fundamental somatics exercises for recovering command of my body, and radical knowledge for developing my own daily somatics practices. It's not an exaggeration to say her therapy renewed my relationship with myself. Today I feel more cognizant and comfortable in my body than I've ever felt before in my life. My daily life isn't organized around nerve pain anymore, and I'm able to relax and move again. I actually feel more desire to move and grow than ever before. I can't testify to her work and wisdom enthusiastically enough."

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